Blinking Cute Box Panda ♥Charlotte's Blog♥: Knowing the true meaning of Easter/Football Clubs ;o

Thursday 17 April 2014

Knowing the true meaning of Easter/Football Clubs ;o

Hey ;o
I've decided to make this post because most people are just so ignorant ._.

Football Clubs
Well as you know Liverpool are at the top of the league ;D YAYAYAYY (I'm a Liverpool fan so shut the hell up o.o) I've always been a Liverpool fan -.- I'm not even a tomboy o.o I'm girly but why can't I support a football club. My dad has supported Liverpool for 30-40 years and my brother 20 years, my brother is 22 btw-.-
But haven't you noticed EVERYBODY used to support Manchester Untied. No, I have ;D 
Well now that Liverpool are winning EVERYBODY is supporting them ;o Wow, some people need to know the true meaning of being a fan .-. 
You can't just change your mind about a club because its winning ffs. 
It just annoys me so much that people are so dhggyrdhgerydghxdeyt6dygxhdsey/.

Knowing The True Meaning Of Easter
I am not a Christian but I know Easter isn't all about chocolate. 
We have it because its a religion celebration. 
 But most people are ignorant little bitches and don't care and say:
"Easter is because of chocolate"

Obviously, some smaller children don't know the meaning but most people in schools don't even know and I think that's just :OOO
Please if you want to say what the true meaning of something is, get it right and learn it.
People who don't know will be the people who will cause wars I'm sorry to say :\


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