I don't mean you guys okay-.-
Well two out of my 14 (maybe more o.o) cousins and they wanted to paint and I said no because I was tired. Fgs I got up at 6:50, you expect me to be all smiley and happy do you ._.
And then there mum comes in at the wrong moment and they are like ''MUM WE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY WITH PAINT JBJJCUBCFHX6XXUFXYFXFU WAWWAWA''
*Takes a deep breath*
I was like ''Urm o.o''
But in the end we ended watching a rubbish movie so yeah.
I am going out with my brother tomorrow (not in that sort if way ffs) how exciting.-.-
On Thursday I'm goung to my two cousins house. They are 2 and 3 OKAYo.o
Also last Friday I saw them because it was teacher training day.
*Checks calendar*
Are they ruling my half term or something o.e
*Their not there